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The Better World Fund at Cannes Film Festival 2023

The Better World Fund at the 76th Cannes Film Festival
By: Ekaterina Shevlikova| Better World Fund at the 76th Cannes Film Festival | Image: Better World Fund

The Better World Fund rewards film personalities committed to social and environmental causes. At each event, the Fund financially supports a humanitarian project led by a non-profit organization. The Better World Fund at the 76th Cannes Film Festival entited: “The Evolution of Humanity: Moving for I to We” took place on Sunday 21st & Monday 22nd of May, 2023 at the Carlton Hotel Cannes followed by the evening gala where Cultured Focus Magazine captured highlights.

The Better World Fund at Cannes Film Festival 2023

Everywhere in the world, women and men are creating, innovating, and taking action for climate change, social inequalities, culture, and education. The Better World Fund’s ambition is to highlight and financially support these actions that give hope, said President Manual Collas de la Roche. The president took time to answer some questions that readers will find interesting. Learn more below and view event highlights.

What are the goals of Better World Fund for Manuel Collas de la Roche, President, and Founder?

“Deeply humanitarian, I am convinced that together we can move mountains by providing concrete solutions to tomorrow's challenges. After a career in the film industry, both as an actor and producer, spirituality has always been at the center of my life. In 2016, driven by the desire to take part in this movement of awareness, I launched the Better World Fund. I believe in the power of cinema as a means of spreading messages, aiming to

make the public aware of the major challenges facing our planet and that of our children. My wish is to keep hope alive by doing my part as a global citizen, for the good of all".

How does the Better World Fund help raise awareness among celebrities and filmmakers to

have a positive impact on the world? For Manuel Collas de la Roche, "we are convinced that today, the cinema industry holds a statutory role as a vector of social, educational and environmental values. Awareness is an essential pillar of the art, as is the need to present better visibility to powerful and cause-focused films, all driven by the desire to have a positive impact on the world.

We saw it at the 2023 Césars: figures from French cinema called for the invention of an "ecological way of life". This mobilization is in line with our own. Cinema has a role to play in the face of the ecological crises, the authors point out, "that of helping to change the way the world is represented". Film professionals are called upon to develop ecological, fair and desirable images, and to bring them to the screen with their talents. The ambition is to imagine "an 'ecological way of life', in which our relationship with the living world and the meaning of our civilizations are re-examined".

Image: Better World Fund

Also in attendance was Enzo di Taranto, founder of CIRCLE X "The Green Trillion Club": an exclusive network of significant people invested in Sustainability & Climate Action. We spoke to him about the importance of creating a better world through sustainability post his participation leading workshops during the Better World Fund program. Circle X Executes High-End “Ecotainement” Masterminds to Foster Innovation for Oceans Regeneration, Co2 Offsetting & Renewable Energy Transition.

Enzo di Taranto is the founder of CIRCLE X "The Green Trillion Club" | Image: Better World Fund

About Enzo di Taranto

Di Taranto is an award-winning futurist, diplomat, investor & philanthropist. Since 1990, he has managed multi-billion sustainability programmes worldwide, including as campaign manager of the United Nations secretary-general in New York and the celebrity network of UN Goodwill ambassadors, including a-list celebrities in the movies, music, sports, fashion and business industries. Currently, he advises presidents, prime ministers, NGOs, foundations, family offices, media and global brands on sustainability & climate finance at the horizon 2030. To learn more visit:

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