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Grief and Coping: Fostering an Open Dialogue

Dr. Bridget Leonard, DNP and Mia Edwards, MSW, LSW

During Black History month, Cultured Focus wanted to invite two talented women working in the field of healthcare and mental health to discuss the impact that Coronavirus has had on the black community whether through the loss of a loved-one, triggering grief, depression, and other mental health challenges.Dr. Bridget Leonard and Mia Edwards, MSW, LSW discussed their personal journeys with loss, grief, the stages of grief, and how others can benefit from counseling and getting the professional help that they may need. Although the discussion coincides with Black History Month, there is useful information in their dialogue for everyone's benefit.

About Dr. Bridget Leonard

What may have broken others, Dr. Bridget uses as building blocks to her next level of success. From sexual molestation and teen pregnancy, to depression, suicide attempts and abuse, Dr. Bridget Leonard embodies the epitome of the word perseverance. Her innate ability to encourage, motivate and inspire others has transformed the lives of hundreds in the nursing industry and the marketplace at-large.

As an award winning nursing leader with over 25 years of experience, her transparency, courage and motivation empower employees and mentees alike to know that anything is possible when you are committed to doing the work.

As the CEO of Bridget Leonard Enterprises, LLC, Dr. Bridget serves as a life coach to many who are on a mission to live their best life, authentically and unapologetically. She is committed to helping people identify their strategic goals, tear down potential barriers, and develop strategies to make their dreams a reality.

She is committed to to positively influence at least one person per day through her words, thoughts or actions—catapulting them into their full potential, personally and professionally.

From motivating the masses, team building and engagement, to employee recognition and professional advancement opportunities, Dr. Bridget is sure to leave a mark on the hearts and minds of attendees through her speaking and nuggets of wisdom.

For booking or more information, email or call 248.876.3966.

About Mia Edwards

Mia Edwards is a Licensed Social Worker (Master’s Level). With over 15 years experience in mental health, child and adolescent treatment modalities, play therapy modalities, domestic violence and family therapies, she is a well respected leader in the field.

Her new offices (Shining Star Services, LLC) are now open and accepting new clients, so please contact her. A variety of methods are available for counseling include telemedicine, phone, and in person as needed.

Disclaimer: The video content is not intended to be a substitute for you obtaining your own professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider in your local area with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking the help you need.

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